Delight Wanderlings Editorial Delight Wanderlings Editorial

The Toddler Version Of You Has Something To Say

Written by: Alycia Ripley
These are my actual shoes from 1980. I was two, but they felt exciting. My feet were small but I was going somewhere. I hate letting go of things from earlier in life—I'm absurdly attached to my past. The toys, the music, the time period, my school and teachers, and this safe feeling that if you worked hard and believed in yourself, you'd make dreams happen. I have at least six unicorn bookmarks from the 80s promising this exact thing so it must be true. I'm part of Gen Y, the less angsty sibling of Gen X but similar in nostalgic attachments and creativity—we were the 'You don't have to grow up to be a grownup' generation. And believe me, I've proven it. It was special to be an 80s kid and 90s teen.

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The Flipside Issue

Stories to elevate your inner power, achieve wanderlust, and more await you

in our latest issue.

Sit down, stay awhile, get your oracle read, and find yourself on the Flipside.

Sit down, stay awhile, get your oracle read, and find yourself on the Flipside.