Wanderlings Point of View : Summer Dreams

We are pleased to welcome Wanderlings Point Of View, a photo series in which we challenge our favorite Wanderlings to submit artwork based on a particular prompt. This prompt was the color Summer Dreams, so stay tuned for what's next!

There’s just something about Summer that makes our hearts want to explore. The long days and warm nights tempt us to go outside and let ourselves melt into a puddle of sweetness. In this series of submissions from Wanderlings, there are shots of mellow moments in the sun, and whales waving hello and cracking crabs.

So let yourself soak it all in, and enjoy the view.

Follow #WanderlingsPOV on Instagram to see images from this series. Subscribe to our newsletter to find out the next challenge and submit your photos to join in on the fun.

Thank you to all of our submissions, we have added their Instagram handles so you can follow their latest work.

Wanderlings Editorial

Wanderlings the Zine

Wanderlings the zine is a collection of unexpected adventures — stories and art that evoke creative wonder, connection, and a healthy dose of wanderlust. We are a welcoming community of curious adventurers exploring their inner and outer worlds. Wanderlings has released two journal-style zines: Happenstance & Joyride- our goal to create a space for ourselves and other artists to find freedom through words and art.


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