High Vibe Tribe Guide

At Wanderlings we love our friends, so you can imagine the kind of stress we’re under at the moment. There’s never been a better moment to explore different ways of connecting. We made this High Vibe Tribe Guide just for you! Whether you want to discover the lost art of writing a love letter or plan an art date over Zoom, this guide is full of ways to connect.

We hope this download brings you closer to the people you care about. Enjoy!

WanderlingsFriendshipFreebie v4-1.jpg
Wanderlings Editorial

Wanderlings the Zine

Wanderlings the zine is a collection of unexpected adventures — stories and art that evoke creative wonder, connection, and a healthy dose of wanderlust. We are a welcoming community of curious adventurers exploring their inner and outer worlds. Wanderlings has released two journal-style zines: Happenstance & Joyride- our goal to create a space for ourselves and other artists to find freedom through words and art.


Lockdown Gardening


Getting Out of the Groove